April 27th, 2022

What ground preparation equipment is for you?

Getting your ground ready for planting or sowing? If you are we have the machine to suit all of your needs. Whether it be a small allotment or if you are putting in a large new garden we have something to suit. 

Let's go through some of the available options

Honda Tiller

Ideal for cultivating garden borders and preparing vegetable patches and allotments, this light duty ground tiller or cultivator has been built to the highest standards and is both reliable and easy to use. This machine is not suitable for virgin ground, for this type of application we would recommend a heavier duty machine such as our medium duty rotavator.  

Medium or Heavy Duty Rotavator (walk behind)

The medium duty rotavator would be the most popular machine we hire out for ground preparation as it is perfect for most residential sites and is easy to use. The heavy duty rotavator is designed for tougher tasks like hard virgin ground and has wide tyres to help on less even ground

Stone Rake Pedestrian 

The pedestrian stone rake is used for removing stones and final ground preparation prior to turfing or seeding. The angled toothed rotor removes stones down to 20mm wide, resulting in a debris free raked finish.  

Blec Power Rake

This power rake is a  3 in 1 machine - Rotary Tiller, Box Grader and Stone Rake. It is truly a remarkable piece of machinery and is a real time saver for the landscaping contractor who require to reinstate compacted and damaged ground by grading and tilling the ground in one pass ready for seeding.This attachment works ideally in dry ground conditions.